Being a Mum of two little ones is the most challenging, exhausting and amazing thing I have ever done, as I’m sure it is for so many of you! Not only is it a 24 / 7 job with not a lot of breaks, it is also a massive emotional roller coaster. Constantly questioning your abilities; am I spending enough time with each child? Should I be putting the television on while I try desperately to do some chores? Why is my house so messy? Why do I not have enough energy to be bouncy and fun all the time? I wish I could stop and enjoy this more! But most of all…. Gosh, I really need to earn some money now, but I’m so busy already! What I realise and tell my self often is; It’s a crazy time but yes the children get plenty of your time, the TV is OK now and again, the house will be messy then tidy so many times it’s hardly worth caring about (this is still my biggest challenge!), looking back at the last 4 years of being a Mum has been incredible and amazing so yes, I have enjoyed it. I’ll be 40 next year so best not to expect too much Tigger like energy, as long as it’s there sometimes! And last but not least, I live in a wonderful part of the Country where my work can tick along, ebb and grow with the flow of life and I have so many more years to enjoy all the wonderful work I do…..
So get ready for lots of lovely promotions and start thinking about how you might like to treat yourself or a loved one to a massage or facial. Group bookings very welcome, courses of treatments recommended for full therapeutic benefit.
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