Pregnancy Massage – A deeply nurturing home massage experience.

Pregnancy massage is a nurturing and specialised form of therapy designed to support expectant mothers during this transformative journey. Tailored to address the unique needs and discomforts of pregnancy, it promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and alleviates muscle tension. Providing gentle care and ensuring a soothing experience that contributes to the overall well-being of both mother and baby.

Pre and Post Natal Massage

The emotional and physical nature of massage therapy makes it a beneficial form of care during every stage of pregnancy. It helps to condition both the body and the emotions during the prenatal stages, relieves both pain and alarm during labor and helps ensure rapid postnatal recovery.

Mobile Pregnancy Massage in Cornwall is great for relieving muscle tension as well as aches and pains, morning sickness, tiredness and mood swings. Lymph drainage helps to clear swelling in the hands and feet, and both anxiety and blood pressure can be reduced.  You will lie in a comfortable ‘side lying position’ while safe natural plant oils are applied and firm but relaxing massage techniques are performed to ease tension in legs, feet, back, shoulders and neck.  This treatment is ideal for all Mums to be (after the first 3 months of pregnancy) as it takes the added stresses and strains away, leaving the body to take care of the baby’s development. Pregnancy Massage can also calm down baby too, allowing mum peace and tranquility.

Pregnancy massage St Ives, Pregnancy massage Penzance, Pregnancy massage Cornwall. Wherever you are in Cornwall, I will bring my home massage treatments to you for ultimate ease and comfort.

pregnancy massage at home

Give your body a little love, it deserves it!